

In order to provide relevant configurations (e.g. the location of the database), a dedicated file might be provided, and it is read by banana during each run.

There are multiple ways to specify the location of this file, whose default name is banana.yaml. Any of the following will work:

  1. pointing out the full path the file (in this case the default name is ignored)

  2. or its parent folder

  3. placing it into the current folder

  4. or the home folder

  5. or the user configuration folder (e.g. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME on Linux)

  6. or the system configuration folder

Even though all the alternatives are checked in the order given, only the first 3 are recommended.

An example of a valid banana.yaml file is the following:

# the base path for all the others in the `path` section
# if relative, is considered to be relative to the parent folder of this file
root: benchmarks/
# all relevant paths are in this section
   database: data/benchmarks.db

# input related configurations
      - theories
      # the name of the following table is specific to `yadism`
      - observables

# output related configurations
      - cache